For The Love of Travel

My favorite places, photos and stories

10/10/18 – 11/10/18 Brandywine Falls, Lower Joffre Lake, Crown Lake, Helmcken Falls – British Columbia

A big travelling day today! A 3 hour journey by bus, ferry, bus from Vancouver Island to Vancouver city; car rental pick up and driving 2 hours to my first stop – Brandywine Falls, just south of Whistler. The falls are steeped in pre-historic history…it’s believed that the walls of Brandywine Falls are made up of more than 4 different basalt lava flows dating back around 34,000 years! Loved the waterfall – just 1 km walk from the car park.  Another hour’s drive to Lower Joffre Lake…a lovely walk from the car park through a pine tree forest, to the lake’s edge. Even though it was cloudy, the reflections of the hillsides were still beautiful in the lake. A further 2 hour drive to Lillooet, to overnight accommodation. Loved Highway 99 all the way.

Just started driving this morning, came around a bend and suddenly noticed a Canadian Railways train, coming around the corner and disappearing ….managed to get the camera out just in time 

Pavilion Lake with crystal clear water was stunning, so much so, that I drove back to take unexpected pics.

Crown Lake in Marble Canyon Provincial Park had lovely yellow deciduous trees with lake reflections this morning. 

The folds of the Monashee Mountains just outside Kamloops looked brilliant in the sun that just appeared for a few minutes…

Helmcken Falls, in Wells Grey Provincial Park, is the 4th highest waterfall in Canada. Named after John Sebastian Helmcken, a physician with the Hudson Bay Co. who arrived in Victoria in 1850. He helped bring BC into the Canadian Confederation in 1871.  50 kms off the highway going north-east…. a wow! spot to stop off…before you drive back to resume your journey. The spray from the waterfall is incredible. The park’s admin have ensured some beautifully placed benches close to the cliff edge, so that visitors can spend some time reflecting on the power and majesty of the falls. Fantastic spot! 

On the way to Valemount, my stop for the night, came upon these fluffy-coated grass-eating bears ….Mum and a couple of cubs…..I remembered that 95% of black bears’ diet is plant material! Too AWWHH for words.


Author: Lids

I live in St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia. Having worked for 3 decades, yes 3......I now plan to travel the globe and am excited about the journeys and adventures ahead. I'd like to share stories, experiences and maybe some inspirations with friends and family in real time...

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