For The Love of Travel

My favorite places, photos and stories

17/9/17, Petrin Lookout Tower, Prague

Arrived late afternoon and thought I’d capitalise on good weather to get onto the cable car and a view over the city….thwarted by railway officials telling me I needed czech money and no, euros wouldn’t do! Didn’t mention that I could use card machine….I went in search of an ATM, got local currency, came back…and there was a horrible queue.  Lots of muttering under the breath!!!!! Finally got to the top, and lovely views..well worth the angst.

At the foot of Petřín Hill one can find a monument by sculptor Olbram Zoubek in cooperation with the architects Zdeněk Hölzel and Jan Kerel.  The base of this monument is a staircase, on which seven figures descend. However, the farther away the figures are from the lowest stair, the more ruptured their torsos appear, with missing limbs and broken chests. This monument is the Memorial for the Victims of Communism that was unveiled 12 years after the fall of communism, in 2002. 

Author: Lids

I live in St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia. Having worked for 3 decades, yes 3......I now plan to travel the globe and am excited about the journeys and adventures ahead. I'd like to share stories, experiences and maybe some inspirations with friends and family in real time...

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