For The Love of Travel

My favorite places, photos and stories

27/9 Boston







David, Tony and I made an early start for Plimoth Plantation, a living museum that shows the original settlement of the Plymouth Colony established in the 17th century by English colonists, some of whom later became known as Pilgrims. They were among the first people who immigrated to America to avoid religious persecution and to seek religious separation from the Church of England.

In the 1627 English Village section of the museum, ‘interpreters’ have been trained to speak, act and dress appropriately for the period and they interact with their ‘strange visitors’ (i.e. the modern general public) in the first person, answering questions, discussing their lives and viewpoints and participating in tasks such as cooking, planting, blacksmithing and animal husbandry. There is also a Wampanoag Homesite, where the staff are native people, dressed in historically accurate clothing, mostly made of deerskin. They speak from a modern perspective about Wampanoag history, culture and how life was lived.
Next a visit to see a replica of the Mayflower, with its solid oak timbers, tarred hemp rigging, horn lanterns and hand-colored maps, carefully re-created to give you a sense of what the original 17th-century vessel was like. Really well done all round!

Later, took the back road route 6a (old King’s Highway) down the Cape, more picturesque villages, art galleries. A late return to Boston.image

Author: Lids

I live in St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia. Having worked for 3 decades, yes 3......I now plan to travel the globe and am excited about the journeys and adventures ahead. I'd like to share stories, experiences and maybe some inspirations with friends and family in real time...

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