For The Love of Travel

My favorite places, photos and stories

6/9/16 Pantanal, Caceres

imageGrey morning but not raining thank goodness. Today was EPIC! We spent 8 hours on the river watching birds (crane hawk, green kingfishers, vermillion flycatcher), otters, iguanas, capybaras and a jaguar.
  • imageimageThe jaguar hunt was spell binding, we tracked her stalking through the grass until she spots her prey, imageimagechasing after the imageimagecapybara into the river, leaping into the air at the last moment to sink her teeth into the back of the capybara’s neck and missing, splashing into the river, then slinking back off into the grasses….another day of living for the poor capybara. Thrilling!
    A gorgeous sunset on our last day…woo hoo! imageimage

Author: Lids

I live in St Kilda, Melbourne, Australia. Having worked for 3 decades, yes 3......I now plan to travel the globe and am excited about the journeys and adventures ahead. I'd like to share stories, experiences and maybe some inspirations with friends and family in real time...

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